Keeping a Cat from Urinating on Furniture

One of the worst problems owners encounter with cats are litter box problems. While most cats will use a blanket or carpet if they decide not use the litter box, some cats actually choose to urinate on furniture.  

The following are some tips to help you if your cat has decided to eliminate on your furniture:

  1. Make sure your cat’s not sick. The first thing to consider is a possible medical condition that cannot be controlled without a prescription. A trip to the vet is the first thing to do when you notice your cat has chosen your bed or a favorite chair as an elimination spot. Cats try not to act sick for as long as they can. If you notice blood in the urine or if your pet seems to be in pain while eliminating, they are likely sick. With luck, all your cat will need are some antibiotics to clear up an infection and your problem will be solved.
  2. Talk to your vet about anti-anxiety treatments. A relatively new idea on market is “kitty Prozac.” This is a type of medication designed to help your cat’s stress level and lessen problem behaviors if there has been a change in your life and your pet seems to be adapting poorly. Medication choices include Buspar, Amitriptyline, and Valium.
  3. Keep the litter box clean. Clean your cat’s litter box twice a day. Use a clumping litter and don’t change brands. Once a week, rinse out the box with clean water to eliminate any material clinging to the bottom or sides.
  4. Add a litter box for each cat you own. Some cats will not eliminate in the same area others have used.
  5. Get your cat spayed or neutered. Un-neutered males will mark their territory (they are looking for a female). Some females while in heat will also mark their territory, hoping to find a male. Spaying or neutering can help control behavior problems.cats urinating on furniture
  6. Once you’ve made the litter box more appealing, make your furniture less appealing. Part of cat training is teaching them where not to eliminate. Blot the area to clean up as much urine as you can. Then use cold water or a light solution of white vinegar (if usable on your furniture) to dilute the area. Blot again. If the smell still lingers try an enzyme cleaner such as Dumb Cat Anti Marking, Cat Spray Remover and Nature’s Miracle to eliminate the smell. Always spot test to make sure you furniture will not become stained by the cleaning product.

    If you cannot use water or an enzyme cleaner on your furniture, get it professionally cleaned so the odor is completely eliminated. 

  7. Do not use an ammonia based cleanser to clean cat urine. Its composition is primarily ammonia so the cleaner will encourage your cat to continue to use that spot.
  8. If you can, cover the area with aluminum foil. Cats don’t like the sound aluminum foil makes when walked on, and most hate the texture.
  9. Do not yell at your cat, hit it or push its nose into the urine. This will not teach your pet anything, other than that you’re a poor owner; in fact, it may make things worse. Watch your cat, and reward him with kind words, petting and possibly a food treat when he does use the litter box.