Are you always in a bathing frenzy with your four legged best friend? Chances are, you are also accumulating a lot of debt with the expenses of having to buy commercially sold dog shampoo. Why buy when you can already create something of your own with larger doses and common household materials? It may take some protective gloves for your hand and a stable work space for liquids.
- Cider Vinegar. Cider vinegar makes sure the fleas go away. This is one of the components that you ought to add. Aside from being a flea buster, the cider vinegar makes sure that the other elements in your shampoo for your dog are balanced. It mainly lowers the pH level into an acceptable value for most dogs. Use one part for the mixture.
- Water. The water in the solution is the diluting agent that makes the shampoo mixture viable for longer use. It also makes mild certain strong and potent chemicals that might be harmful if placed directly on your dog’s skin. Use three-fourth parts of water for the mixture you are creating.
- Glycerin. Glycerin is most probably the only ingredient that will require you to go to the pharmacy or drugstore. This is one of the most common proponents of most shampoos and soaps. This glycerin will help hold together most of the elements of your dog shampoo mixture. You will not need a lot; only a quarter part is sufficient.
- Dishwashing Soap. It may sound harsh, but that’s what cider vinegar is there for. In its place, you can use Ivory but that soap has established too high pH for dogs. Use only one part for the whole mixture. Most probably, the dog will inhibit the scent and cleaning action of the dishwashing soap of your choice.
- Container. Get a hold of container that is trustworthy in the sense that it can be airtight and transport your liquids carefully. It is best to mix first on a mixing bowl before you use a container for the final product. Just prepare a contained that you can easily label so that you will not have hassle distinguishing your shampoo from other stuff on your cabinet.
- Essential Oils. Essential oils are optional. They make for thicker lather, which is really more important for human hair than for dogs. But if you have gotten compulsively in making a bubble frenzy out of each bath session, some of the best essential oils for dogs are citronella and tea tree oil.
- Adjusting Potency. Adjusting potency sounds scary. But in reality, it only involves adjusting the water content of the mixture. You will know if the shampoo is too strong; just imagine, dogs must have a milder version of what you are using for your own hair.
Petroleum jelly for your dog’s eyes will help protect our pet from
having soap or shampoo accidentally hitting its eyes. Also, make sure
that you just store enough mixture for your necessary use within the
next 6 months. Beyond the 6 months’ mark, you might find that the
shampoo mixture is not as potent as you originally intended it to be.
Practice mixing with different proportions until you get the optimum mix
for you and your dog.