Squirrels Love Peanuts
Squirrels have an insatiable appetite for nuts, acorns and certain types of seeds from trees. As any avid squirrel lover will attest, the squirrel’s personal favorite treat is a roasted peanut. Although they will settle for the raw, green type as well.
Still, squirrels will forage for most any type of nut, acorn or seed they can find. It may be surprising to wake up one late autumn day to the sound of a squirrel perched high in a dogwood tree chomping away on those tiny red seeds of the dogwood flower.
Squirrels are highly intelligent creatures. So, they can often become pests if they get too close to the gutters or roof of a home. Inevitably, the next thing you know, they are taking up residence in the attic. Hence, the age-old axiom, “Squirrels In The Attic”. Squirrels feed for up to 6 hours a day, depending on the season of the year. Winter is not a deterrent, either. As long as they have a nest in which to hibernate on the coldest winter days or when snow prevents their movement, squirrels are natural lovers of freedom and the outdoors.
Preparing A Squirrel Menu
To learn how to make squirrel food, simply remember their favorite things. Don’t forget that they have no reservations about helping themselves to the birdseed in outdoor birdfeeders. Squirrels can climb to amazing heights when the fancy strikes them. Use birdseed feeders with caps and covers if you want to assure your feathered friends of a meal. Meanwhile, prepare a squirrel menu with strategy. Although squirrels will eat just about any table scraps, it really isn’t healthy for them to do so. Make squirrel food from various types of seeds such as sunflower, pumpkin, squash, millet, rye or soy seeds. Squirrels actually are attracted to a feeding dish that has several different textures and sizes. Choose seeds and add texture with peanuts, acorns, apple skins and slices, dehydrated figs, dates and raisins. This is a squirrel mélange that is irresistible to the squirrel’s sense of taste and smell.
Winter Squirrel Food
It’s a bit more difficult in winter to provide food for squirrels due to freezing temperatures. Squirrels will still be out and about foraging for a meal if they are hungry enough. Locate the squirrel feeding area away from the house. Keep gutters free of the kind of debris that squirrels consider three-course meals. Even if the gutters have protective caps, squirrel claws can still dig down inside for a tempting morsel if the desire is overwhelming or the cold weather hasn’t provided enough sustenance. Try using a bit of suet with the nuts, seeds and dehydrated fruits. The suet will help keep the combined ingredients from scattering in the wind.