How To Keep Jellyfish in a Home Aquarium

Jellyfish are some of the most unusual and interesting creatures that you can keep in a home aquarium. Jellyfish are gelatinous, with no spine, no eyes, no stomach, and no brain. This is in contrast to the many varieties of fish you can keep in an aquarium. Keeping jellyfish in a home aquarium requires special treatment and a specially designed environment. In order for jellyfish to survive and thrive in captivity, you must understand their requirements and be committed to meeting them. Jellyfish can be challenging to keep in captivity; this creature does not make a good choice for a beginner. Here’s how to keep jellyfish in a home aquarium:

  1. Understand the environmental needs of a jellyfish. You cannot keep a jellyfish in a standard rectangular aquarium designed for keeping fish. Jellyfish need a constant water flow, mimicking the ocean’s currents. If you’ve ever seen a jellyfish in action, then you understand how they use the current to stay afloat. This water, however, cannot circulate in such a way that results in your jellyfish getting trapped in a corner or, worse, getting sucked into the water circulation system. Many who keep jellyfish in a home aquarium do so in a circular tank, known as a kriesel, though there are certainly other tank design options. No matter what kind of tank you choose, you will need plenty of strong light, which jellyfish depend on.
  2. Learn about jellyfish species. Most types jellyfish live in salt water. These should not be chosen unless you have extensive experience keeping saltwater fish. There are a few varieties of freshwater jellyfish, though they are quite rare and are often costly. The most popular types are the Moon jellyfish, with an adult size of 12 inches in diameter, and the Upside Down jellyfish, which can grow to be 8 inches in diameter.
  3. Purchase your jellyfish. Once you have your aquarium set up and have chosen a species, contact a reputable dealer of rare fish species. You may have to purchase your jellyfish over the Internet, because jellyfish are rarely for sale. However, avoid buying such an exotic species from no-name shops, which can be risky. Evaluate your budget when considering buying a jellyfish, because some species can be quite expensive.
  4. Feed the jellyfish. Feed your jellyfish baby brine shrimp in the 1-2 day old size. They will eat a lot of these every day; if you plan to keep jellyfish in a home aquarium, it might be worth setting up a separate aquarium for breeding brine shrimp. Baby brine shrimp can be found in some pet stores, though not likely in the large quantities you will need.
  5. Avoid getting stung. Be very careful when putting your hand in the tank for any reason. A jellyfish sting can be very painful.

At times, keeping jellyfish can be an expensive hobby. However, these creatures are so fascinating that many people find it worth it. When keeping a jellyfish in a home aquarium, it is imperative that you have the right tank set up, rather than putting your jellyfish in just any aquarium.