When looking for a cage for your dwarf hamster, you certainly will never run out of choices. Visit any pet shop, and you will be overwhelmed by a variety of options. But though that’s the case, choosing a cage is not that easy, especially since you have to consider a lot of factors. Because the …
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Category:Small Pets
How To Create a Habitat for Dwarf Hamsters
If your child decides to have a small pet to take care of in the home, why not get a dwarf hamster? These little creatures are cute, cuddly and very energetic. They require little supervision and are affordable to maintain. If you decide you want to care for a dwarf hamster, you will need to …
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How To Raise Mealworms and Superworms
Although a lot of small pets are fed lab blocks and other pre-manufactured food, most small pets will enjoy mealworms and superworms as well. Not only are superworms and mealworms fresh treats for your pets, but they are also rich in nutrients that can help fatten picky pets that do not like the taste of …
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How To Exercise Your Rabbit
Thinking of getting a new pet but you are unsure whether you’re a dog or cat person? Maybe a goldfish then? Why not try something different? Okay maybe not a scorpion, cobra or jellyfish. Something smaller, but nothing that you could accidentally lose in all the clutter. Something adorable and cute that your kids could …
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How To Teach a Pet Hermit Crab Tricks
Many are not aware that a hermit crab can also become a good pet, not to mention its ability to learn tricks like any other more common pets. If you have one at home and are eager to teach it some tricks, below are ways on how to do it. Establish trust and bonding with …
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How To Keep a Pet Ground Squirrel
Ground squirrels are fun, social creatures that could easily be taken care of as pets. They are quite mellow creatures that are usually found burrowing in someone’s backyard. In their natural habitat, they are usually hunted by predators, which may cause them to be wary towards you at first. However, as they warm up to …
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How To Design & Build a Rabbit Hutch
Taking care of rabbits also means providing them with shelter. In this case, letting them run lose in your house will not do. You have to build a rabbit hutch where they can stay. Designing and building a rabbit hutch does not require special skills in carpentry. A rabbit hutch does not need to have …
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How To Make a Squirrel Feeder
Have you ever had one of those instances where the feed you prepare for your birds (or even some food you prepare for your pets) disappear much faster than usual? So you decide to do a little sleuthing and spy on the cage, only to find that other animals have decided that they deserve the …
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How To Identify Rabbit Diseases
Rabbits can meet an early death just as fast as they breed. How so? These delicate and furry creatures are extremely susceptible to diseases. It is actually up to you to keenly observe and act immediately the moment you notice the symptoms of the following rabbit diseases. Mucus and discharge on the nose. This is …
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How To Reduce Odor from Your Pet Ferret
A ferret can be a wonderful pet but it has a natural odor that can bother most people. Ferrets have scent glands located near their anus which they use to mark their territories and for identification. The secretion can be released when the ferret is scared or startled. A ferret also uses its urine to …
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