Creating your own cat door in an interior hollow-core basement stairway door is not such a difficult task, if you exercise patience and focus. You might want to enlist a helper for some of these steps, depending upon your level of strength and experience. Remove the basement door from its hinges. Using a flat-bladed screwdriver …
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How To Help Your Cat Through a Move
Changes in a cat’s or their people’s routine can cause stress in a cat, which can lead to anxiety and insecurity and result in emotional and/or physical problems. Moving to a new home is probably one of the most stressful activities for a cat. Unfortunately, moving is probably one of the most stressful times for …
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How To Help Children Cope with the Loss of a Pet
Children are funny when it comes to grief. It can look something like this: “Yea, my dog died. Can I have a peanut butter and banana sandwich?” Children can appear to be unaffected by the loss of a pet but they often express their feelings though behavior and play rather than through words. This does …
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How To Have a Cat-Friendly House
Making your house friendly for your cat involves the creation of safe spaces for the cat, the elimination of things which could be dangerous, and the addition of objects to make the environment more rich and interesting. If you have an indoor-only cat, it is extremely important to keep the cat entertained and engaged, and …
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How To Do Interior Decorating for Cat Owners
Part 1: Protecting your possessions The first thing a cat owner should know about home décor is to keep it simple. Cats are completely convinced that they are in charge, that the house and its possessions belong to them, and that they have every right to break rip or shred anything they like. Even a …
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How To Determine the Sex of a Kitten
Kittens are soft bundles of cuteness when they’re born. And boy or girl, you just want to let them snuggle close to you. But if you’re considering taking a kitten home with you to stay, the gender of the kitten might be important for you to know. Here’s how you can determine the sex of …
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How To Clean Up Cat Urine
As any cat owner will tell you, cat urine has a particularly intolerable – not to mention resilient – odor. On top of that, it can stain carpet and hardwood floors alike. There are many reasons why cats might urinate in improper places – stinky litter boxes, stress, age and illness being among the common …
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How To Build a Cat Play House
Building a cat play house is not as easy as you may think. Before you start any endeavor such as this you have to know a little about your cat and cats in general. Why do they do the things they do? How big is my cat going to be when it reaches adulthood? These …
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How To Board a Cat While on Vacation
Even with the popularity of dogs, cats are still regarded as one of the most loved domestic animals in the whole world. If you want to go on an out of town vacation, chances are you will not want to leave your beloved feline friend alone to fend for herself. Therefore, to ensure that she …
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Cleaning Cat Vomit off Carpets: Carpet Cleaning Tips
We all love and care for our cats despite their annoying penchant for vomiting on a regular basis. As with most things in modern society, spew removal is not as simple as one might first suspect. The results of my personal research indicate that there are three broad categories of cat vomit and spew that …
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