How To Choose Puppy Names

So you have a new puppy! Congratulations! Now it’s time to give your new little friend a name. This is a very important part of owning a dog. There are several things to keep in mind when choosing a puppy name, including the following: Whatever you choose, you and the dog have to live with …
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How To Choose Dog Names

Your new dog is everything you would have hoped; sweet, furry, and super cute. The only thing your puppy is missing is a moniker, and a good one at that. “Puppy” and “sweetie” can only go so far. In this article I’ll try and show you the best and inventive ways to give your dog …
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Find Healthy Pet Treats

Dog and cat food was first introduced during World War II. It mainly consisted of out dated cereals, grains and left over products from meat markets. Most people’s pet are considered to be one of the kids, so why would you expect them to eat something that did not look appealing to yourself. If you …
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