Canine Pancreatitis can be a serious health issue for your dog. It is the inflammation of the pancreas. The pancreas is a V-shaped organ, located on the right side of the abdomen, behind the stomach. The pancreas is responsible for producing enzymes that are necessary in food digestion as well as for making insulin. The …
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How To Treat Canine Osteosarcoma
Canine Osteosarcoma is a very painful bone cancer, usually affecting the bones of the dog’s front legs. The tissues in these bones can weaken to the point that spontaneous fracturing will occur. This cancer is usually found in large and giant breeds of dogs such as: Great Danes Saint Bernards Great Pyrenees Newfoundlands Burmese Mountain …
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How To Treat Canine Obesity
So you think your dog is fat. In fact, you think he’s so fat that he’s obese and his health is in danger. Obese dogs have more pronounced health problems and live for a shorter amount of time than average dogs. There are, however, a few steps you can take to decrease your dog’s waistline. …
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How To Treat Canine Melanoma
Canine melanoma is a cancer that can occur in a dog’s mouth, toes, behind the eye or on the skin. Tumors in the mouth, toes and behind the eyes are usually malignant, meaning that this cancer can spread. Melanoma of the skin is generally benign, meaning that the cancer does not spread. Keep in mind …
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Use a Retractable Dog Leash
When using a retractable dog leash, it’s always important to know how exactly it works. With all different types of leashes out there today, leashes with the retractable feature provide an easily accessible device for walking your dog. Whether the leash is expensive and fancy or cheaper and basic, knowing how to use one is …
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Japanese Dog Names and Their Meanings
So you want to give your dog a unique and culturally rich Japanese name. Look no further. In this article, we will introduce Japanese dog names and their meanings, and also point you in the right direction to conduct an online search for even more names. Naming a dog can be tough, so why not …
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How To Travel with Your Pet on the Open Road
Overall safety is your # 1 concern for your trip. Please plan ahead. Ask yourself, do I have enough survival equipment in case of a disaster? Tornado, Earthquake, Flood, Hurricane, Avalanche, other disaster while I’m on the road? Always map out your trip. Look at pet friendly areas to spend the night. When you’re …
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How To Travel with Your Dog
Many people don’t feel like a family vacation is complete without their four-legged family members. With this in mind, more and more people are traveling with their dogs. It is now easier than ever to do this, but there are some things to keep in mind when you decide to hit the road with your …
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How To Take Your Dog Camping
Summer’s inviting weather tempts most people to spend more time outdoors, and there’s no better way to do that than by packing up the car and heading out for a weekend camping trip. The beauty of this short vacation is that you can bring your dog along for the ride without worrying about finding a …
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How To Support an Animal Rights Group
Animal rights group are intense in their beliefs about the equal rights of animals. If you believe in their cause, then take a further step and support an animal rights group. Fortunately, there are many ways you can support an animal rights group. Here are some of the ways: Support the campaign of animal rights …
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