One of the leading reasons for veterinarian visits is canine allergies. Canine allergies are annoying, frustrating and even overwhelming for some pet owners. The search for the culprit can be exhausting and some people just don’t know where to start. If these steps are followed, it should take some of the guessing work out of …
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How To Make Oatmeal Shampoo for Dogs
Dogs are wonderful pets because they can be trained and are generally friendly with kids. If you keep dogs in your house, it’s best to keep them clean and smelling good. You might notice that at times, your pet seems to be scratching incessantly. You can check for lice or any other pests that potentially …
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How To Help Your Dog with Allergies
My husband, Ron, owned a small animal practice in the Fort Worth area for more than 20 years. Of all the ailments his clients presented their dogs for, allergies seemed to be the most common. Itching, scratching, licking, watery eyes, raw spots on their skin — are all common symptoms to allergens. Unfortunately finding causes …
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How To Make Pet Steps
Pets who are injured may find it hard to reach the places where they usually rest. For this, you need some pet steps that your pet can use. You can use the pet steps to help your pet get into your car or you can position it at home, so that your pet can climb …
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How To Help your Dog Stop Excessive Itching and Scratching
All dogs are prone to scratching. However, there might be a problem if you notice that your dog itches and scratches all the time. There are many things that may cause itchiness for your dog. The cause for your dog’s itching can be a bit hard to determine since there are many factors to consider. …
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How To Move Your Pets to Hawaii Successfully
Moving, in general, is a chore that people do not do for the fun of it. Moving out of the mainland is an even greater chore as it’s not simply a change of scenery. Most times, it’s a change of everything, culture, climate, even time zones take a dramatic change. If you are a pet …
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How To Help Your Dog Lose Weight
Obese animals have been shown to have shorter life spans, increased risk of disease and overall decreased energy levels. Being overweight has been found to cause diabetes, arthritis, increased cancer rates and cruciate disease. Extra weight increases the load on the joints which damages cartilage. The weight also puts extra strain on the cruciate ligament …
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How To Help Homeless Animals
Homeless animals have continued to grow in number in the past year. While it is sad to say that there are no accurate statistics on this, the alarming growth in the population of animals in animal shelters provide a solid proof that something needs to be done to help solve this, and fast. Here are …
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How To Help Homeless Animals
Homeless animals have continued to grow in number in the past year. While it is sad to say that there are no accurate statistics on this, the alarming growth in the population of animals in animal shelters provide a solid proof that something needs to be done to help solve this, and fast. Here are …
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How To Treat Cushings Disease in Dogs
Cushing’s disease is the excessive production of adrenal hormone, more particularly, corticosteroids. It can be a natural occurring or it can be due to over administration of corticosteroids like prednisone. Cushing’s disease is frequent in many domestic animals, especially dogs. It typically strikes older canines and causes various kinds of rough symptoms. Other than that, …
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