As any cat owner will tell you, cat urine has a particularly intolerable – not to mention resilient – odor. On top of that, it can stain carpet and hardwood floors alike. There are many reasons why cats might urinate in improper places – stinky litter boxes, stress, age and illness being among the common …
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How To Build a Cat Play House
Building a cat play house is not as easy as you may think. Before you start any endeavor such as this you have to know a little about your cat and cats in general. Why do they do the things they do? How big is my cat going to be when it reaches adulthood? These …
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How To Board a Cat While on Vacation
Even with the popularity of dogs, cats are still regarded as one of the most loved domestic animals in the whole world. If you want to go on an out of town vacation, chances are you will not want to leave your beloved feline friend alone to fend for herself. Therefore, to ensure that she …
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Cleaning Cat Vomit off Carpets: Carpet Cleaning Tips
We all love and care for our cats despite their annoying penchant for vomiting on a regular basis. As with most things in modern society, spew removal is not as simple as one might first suspect. The results of my personal research indicate that there are three broad categories of cat vomit and spew that …
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Buy Pet Medical Insurance: Information About Pet Insurance Plans
You love your pet and do not even want to think about him becoming ill or having an accident. Pet health insurance can provide you with peace of mind if he does need extensive or emergency medical care. The peace of mind comes from knowing that you will not have to make a decision on …
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Treat Flea Bites on Your Cat
Is your cat scratching obsessively? She or he might have fleas. Fleas not only feed on your cat’s blood, but on yours, too. Here are some easy, effective ways to treat flea bites on your cat, and get rid of the fleas in your home as well, so the problem will not reoccur. Important note: …
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Treat Cat Constipation
Treating cat constipation can be easy to do if not caused by a more serious condition. If you notice that your cat has a lack of bowel movements, is lethargic, or has a decreased appetite, cat constipation is the likely cause. Symptoms include infrequent bowel movements, straining while defecating, pain during defecation, and decreased amounts …
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Identifying and Treating Feline Anemia
Like humans, cats can, and often do suffer from anemia. The condition, known as feline anemia, is the result of a low red blood cell count that leads to a reduction of the oxygen level throughout the cat’s system. This is frequently a result of kidney disease, which causes a shortage of the hormone erythropoietin. …
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Identifying and Treating Cat Health Symptoms of Feline Lymphoma
Cats are more susceptible to lymphoma than humans or other animals. Unfortunately, cats who already suffer from feline leukemia are likely to show additional symptoms, oftentimes developing into lymphoma. While this disease is certainly serious and can be life-threatening, it is possible to manage the illness for some time with the care of an experienced …
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Identify and Treat Feline Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Cat Health
Feline squamous cell carcinoma is a type of cat cancer that affects the skin of cats, most commonly in and around the facial tissue. The disease is contracted most often in outdoor cats with light-colored coats and skin, and appears to be related to sun exposure. Older cats are also more likely to contract feline …
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