How To Train a Nervous Dog

Dogs have different characteristics. There are hyperactive dogs and there are also shy, timid and nervous dogs. These characteristics develop when they grow older and approach adolescence. Some dogs from birth are excessively shy and cowering. In some instances, it may be the result of a certain event in the dog’s past. Here are the many …
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How To Train a Dog

Training a dog can be time consuming, but it can also be easy if you follow these simple steps: Determine your goals. Start with basic commands, including ‘heel’, ‘sit’, and ‘stay.’ Don’t forget to include a command such as ‘OK’ or ‘free’ so that your dog knows it is okay to relax once the task …
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How To Train a Big Dog

Big dogs are harder to train than their smaller counterparts as the human   trainers lack the size difference to easily establish dominance. By taking advantage of their smaller frame when they are pups these big dogs will be easier to handle, as they grow older. Here are the steps for training a big dog. Start …
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How To Tell Your Dog No

Teaching your pet to behave properly is a must to ensure everyone’s peace of mind. As soon as you get your dog, you must teach him to obey your commands and that no means no. Here’s how. Start him young. It may be cute and endearing when your little puppy is jumping happily and scrambling …
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