Paper training is when you train your puppy to eliminate on paper inside of your floor. This method works best if you are not going to be at home for long periods of time since a puppy cannot be asked to hold her bladder for more than 3 hours. Keep in mind that paper training …
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Category:Behaviour & Training
Learn About Breeding Dogs—Information for Dog Breeders
Making the decision to breed dogs is one which should be made out of love for the animals as opposed to an opportunity to make money. Responsible breeders should make an effort to produce high quality dogs of their chosen breed and should place them in suitable homes. The following tips will help you learn …
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Install an Invisible Electric Fence for Dogs
Installing an invisible electric dog fence is not, nor should it be, a complicated task. It does take some planning and a little creativity to come up with the best situation. Your neighbors will appreciate that you are keeping your dog in your yard, and an invisible electric fence is perfect for keeping the look …
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How To Walk a Dog and a Baby Stroller at the Same Time
Dog owners, dogs and babies all need their exercise and fresh air. If there is a new baby in your home, it’s more important than ever to think of ways that you can include your dog in activities you do with the baby. It’s always adorable to see a baby in a stroller alongside a …
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How To Use Clicker Training for Puppies
Compared to dogs, puppies are easier to train however they are more stubborn. Clicker training is one method to train puppies. Follow the steps below to train your puppies using the clicker method. Buy a clicker. There are many clickers available in pet stores. Choose one that is not too loud or too soft. Choose …
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How To Use Breed Characteristics of Beagles
The adorable beagle breed is a medium sized dog that was first bred as hunting dogs for the European royalty. Beagles have a lot of positive traits to them like sociability, easy to groom, and big expressive eyes. Below are a few traits that are inherent to beagles that should be taken note of when …
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How To Use a Gentle Leader Collar
Dogs are not only used to guard houses and properties but also serve as friends to make people happy. The best ways to maximize the potential of dogs is to train them. It is not easy to do but you can by investing more effort and patience. Fancy dog collars such as a gentle leader …
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How To Unspoil Your Dog
Dogs can be easily spoiled especially if they are new. We give them what they want and give in when they whine. The following steps below will help unspoil your dog. Avoid holding your dog for a very long time. This will only spoil your dog even more. Your dog will get used to being …
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How To Understand How Dogs Learn
Dogs learn much the same as we do – through experience, trial and error. They understand the connection between behavior and consequence. There are three common ways to get them to perform a behavior: luring, shaping and catching. Luring is physically getting your dog to move in a particular way by manipulating where his nose …
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How To Treat a Dog Bite
First you hear the snarl. Then you see the bared teeth. You have only a moment to decide what to do. In that moment of hesitation, the dog pounces and you feel the pain shooting through your body. You’ve been bit. Now what? Follow the steps below if you find yourself in this tough situation. …
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