If you have a cat, especially with behavior problems such as scratching, not using the litter box, or meowing all night long, you may be wondering how to train her to get her to do what you want. Positive reinforcement is better than negative. It’s better to catch your cat using the litter box or …
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Category:Behaviour & Training
How To Train a Cat for a Show
Cat shows are gatherings of pedigreed cats being judged for their representation of the breed. The preparations for showing a cat start nearly from the time the cat is born. For a show, your cat must be in the best health possible. Cats are also judged for their personality and temperament. If your pedigreed cat …
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How To Tame a Feral Cat
Feral cats are cats that have lived in the wild entirely, typically since birth. Some are cats that might have been abandoned by their owners or cats that got lost and never found their way back home. Eventually, these cats will turn into untamed animals. These feline creatures are usually incapable of socializing with other …
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How To Stop Your Cat from Eating Houseplants
If you’re a cat owner, you might have noticed it upon returning from vacation – a previously robust plant now tattered and ripped. Or maybe it’s been happening bite-by-bite over a gradual period of time, almost imperceptibly until one day you’re watering a plant that barely has any leaves left. Who is the culprit? Your …
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How To Stop House Feline Behavior Problems: Cat Training
People adore having cats as pets. They are more independent than dogs and often require less work. Their purring sound can also decrease stress levels and lower blood pressure. However, they do have behavior problems, the top two being litter box problems and scratching of furniture and carpets. There are some ways you can stop …
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How To Stop Cat Spraying Problems: Information About Cats
You might be tempted to be very angry at your pet cat for spraying in your home, unfortunately, this will not deter him. It might even make him do it more! Before you learn how to stop cat spraying, let’s discuss some information that may help us understand why your pet is doing it in …
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How To Prevent Cats from Catching Birds
Every year, millions of wild birds are tragically killed by pet cats. If you enjoy watching your backyard birds, take the necessary steps to protect them from your pets. Here’s how to keep cats from catching birds: Keep cats inside all day. This is the easiest way to keep cats from catching birds. However, many …
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How To Litter Box Train Your Cat: Cat Toilet Training
From the age of about four weeks, kittens know to seek out soft, dry material in which to “do their thing.” Digging, eliminating, and covering up the evidence, as it were, are all instinctive cat behaviors that don’t need to be taught. All that is needed is a dry, comfortable dirt-substitute. You will need to …
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How To Leash-Train Your Cat
Leash-training a cat seems like a losing battle, doesn’t it? If you’ve ever tried to walk your cat on a leash, you might have given up rather quickly, concluding that your cat would hate you if the leash stayed on for one more minute. And yet you may notice your indoor cat peering outside longingly, …
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How To Keep Your Cat From Scratching Your Stuff
The bottom line is that cats scratch. They have claws and it’s in their nature to scratch. They scratch to sharpen their claws and to leave their scent behind. When they scratch, they stretch their bodies and it makes them feel good. Having said all that, it’s not necessary for you to live with scratched …
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