Training a new puppy to sit, stay, stand, or lie down is easy and straightforward. A simple command word, a little time, and some tasty treats, and your puppy will learn the trick. When it comes to potty training, however, a lot more is involved. It involves a lot more effort, time, and patience. Remember, …
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Category:Behaviour & Training
How To Potty Train Stubborn Dogs
Potty training your pet dog is usually very smooth and easy. Though, some types of dogs will have the natural inclination to refuse or resist your training. Potty training such dogs becomes a chore – unless you are familiar with some tricks and techniques that you can use to make your stubborn dog obey your …
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How To Potty Train a Dog Fast
One of the most important things you would want your dog to master is to relieve himself in the right place. There’s nothing worse than a poop or pee stained rug or carpet left for you to clean up when you wake up in the morning. Although the time it takes to train your dog …
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How To Observe Dining Etiquette with Your Dog
An increasing number of restaurants in our country are taking a tip from the French (even if they are reluctant to admit it) by embracing the idea of pet-inclusive dining. Welcome news indeed for the many pet-lovers who travel with their best friends in tow, or for those who rely upon service dogs! But what …
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How To Manage Canine Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety is a complex issue that faces many owners. It is rarely realistic to be with your dog 24/7. If you can – GREAT! If not, there are times when separation anxiety can be very detrimental to your dog. Has your dog scratched the back door until his paws were bleeding? Does your dog …
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How To Make Money Breeding Dogs
Breeding dogs is not for the faint of heart. It’s like parenting. You don’t go into it blindly – though many people make this mistake and end up being terrible at it – whilst you end breeding casualties which is a terrible thing to impose on a prized dog. Breeding dogs is a professional and …
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How To Make a Silent Dog Whistle
Dogs have the capacity of hearing higher pitches more effectively than most humans do. An effective way to catch their attention is the use of a silent dog whistle, which is also known as a Galton’s Whistle. It is very effective in catching your pet’s attention even while you are in crowded areas. Yelling at …
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How To Make a Rottweiler Good with Children
The Rottweiler is one of the classic guard dogs that homeowners can use for security as well as companionship. With a large and muscular build, a grown up Rottweiler can be a very intimidating sight. Keeping a Rottweiler in a household that has kids, however, is not impossible. Here are steps to ensuring that your …
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How To Make a Dog a Service Dog
For centuries now, dogs have already shown and proven how they can be useful to us. Aside from being our best friends, they can also be of service to us. Isn’t that delightful and reassuring? So, don’t worry if what you have now is just a pet dog. By following some simple steps, you …
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How To Locate an Underground Pet Fence
Installing an underground pet fence makes sense for a lot of families looking to keep their dog from escaping their yard. However, once you install the fence you may forget where it is. There is often no above-ground sign of where the fence is located. Finding it again can be tricky, though there are some …
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