How To Choose French Dog Names

So you’ve just bought a Bichon Frise and you are trying to come up with an appropriate name for this French pooch. Here are some steps to help you choose the perfect name with a Parisian edge.

  1. Find out if your dog is actually a member of a French breed. To find out what country the breed of dog you own is associated with go to Dog Breed Info or other similar sites. Your dog does not need to be French in order for you to give it a French name, but you may want to associate your dog’s name with its country of origin.
  2. Consider choosing a location in France for a name. Sometimes names of cities, towns, or regions make great pet names. Names like “Bordeaux”, “Paris”, “Dijon”, “Orleans”, “Avignon”, and “Marsellie” could be possible choices. If you have been to France and a particular region or town caught your fancy or you associate a certain place with a great memory, consider using that location as a name for your new pet.
  3. Choose a type of food or beverage indigenous to the region for the name. While you might not want to name your new pooch, “Brie”, after the stinky French cheese, there are some foods and beverages that have a nice ring to them. “Béarnaise” may suite a small golden mutt, “Pate” might be perfect for a dark grey Mini-Schnauzer, or “Baguette” might be just the name for a round bulldog with a healthy appetite. Other foods to consider, depending on the personality and looks of your new dog could be, “Crepe”, “Quiche”, or “Champagne”, for a particularly social dog.
  4. Use historical names. France has a colorful history with a vibrant cast of characters from centuries past. Naming your dog after one of these figures might be the way to go. “Napoleon” would be one bold example of this, similarly names such as “Pasteur”, “Curie”, “Eiffel” or “Dumas” could work.
  5. Use a traditional French name. Visit: Baby Name World for French names and their meanings. The following website may be helpful as well.
  6. Translate an English name. If you have a name that you love in English but want to spice it up a bit, look for the equivalent in French. Visit: Geo Cities for a comprehensive list of male and female French dog names.
  7. Adjectives serve as great names. Is your new pet tiny (“Le petit”)? Is he loud (“Bruyant”) ? Visit Free Translation for some help with creative adjective translations for your doggie.
  8. Ask a French person! If you know someone from France or who is fluent in the language, ask them their opinion. They may have a creative name that you won’t be able to find in the dictionary or online. Sometimes names derived from slang are the most clever.